Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I caught a fish [----------this-------] big!

Growing up I spent most Sunday dinners choking down the rainbow trout reeled in by my grandfather. But the fish wasn't the only thing I forced to choke down, my Grandad also supplied equally unappetizing stories of his adventures leading to the capture of the meal I pushed around my plate. What I never realized at the time was the information I was unknowingly accumulating with each passing fish tale. As a boy who had no taste for fish, I never saw the purpose in joining the men in my family in the acquisition of them. However by the age of seven I could deny them no longer, and I was forced to go fishing. once I was dressed and supplied with pole, line and bait we were off, and before I knew it we were at my Grandad's favorite fishing hole. Then something I didn't expect happened, I just started fishing; and to my and my whole families great surprise within minutes I had a bite! Without ever having done it before I was fishing!
Until this class I never realized how I was able to do this, but now I realize it was my Grandad's stories that made me able to do this. the stories I had always put down to bragging, were actually a oral guild to catching fish. And now years later, and after my grandad is no longer around, I still use what I learned from  his stories every time I go down to the river to catch some Sunday dinner.

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