Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The 12 tribes of christmas

While trying to decide what 51 things to memorize, I serendipitously stumbled onto a way to help me memorize the 12 tribes on Jacob! I have decided since I plan on encoding these 51 things so well they will be as permanent as Pop-Eye's anchor tattoo, I wanted them to be something I could use for the rest of my life, something really meaningful; so after much toil and heartache I chose to memorize 51 holidays and the days the correspond with. In doing the in depth research required for this topic, I came across a little ditty that is basically a catchy way of remembering the Jacob's twelve sons, its a Christmas song called the 12 days of Christmas. Everyone of these twelve days corresponds perfectly to one of the sons, its almost eerie. the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me, Joseph in a fruitful bough. On the second day of Christmas Zebulun successfully bred a turtle and a dove on his ship/ floating laboratory. on the third day of Christmas popular teen romance novel character Ben turns into a wereWOLF and attacks several hens (three of the french variety to be exact). On the forth day the entire animal kingdom could hear Judah the lion with his mighty roar CALLING to all the BIRDS. FIVE GOLDEN RINGS reside on Asher's pimp hand to keep it strong lest he loose his wealth. tragicly on the sixth day Dan's pets snake choked on an egg that those darn geese keep incessantly laying. On the seventh day of Christmas, swans were seen swimming on the calm clear WATERS of lake Ruben. On the eighth day a maid was nearly gored because Naphtali demanded the milk of a deer ( ick). For the duration of both the ninth and the tenth days lords and ladies danced and leaped to Simeon and Levi's symphony the Ox Traut. On the eleventh day, Issachar in an attempt to recreate his favorite childhood story took up pipeing in hopes of being followed by rodents, buts sadly for him he was only able to get one confused donkey to follow his lead. On the twelfth and final day of christmas Gad was out trying to do some last minute shopping and was sadly trampled.